Polityka jakości i środowiska

The Management of “RS Motor” has decided to develop an Integrated Management System in accordance with the UNE-EN-ISO 9001 and UNE-EN-ISO 14001 Standards in order to achieve maximum customer satisfaction, guaranteeing the quality of our services and the commitment to continuous improvement in our environmental behaviour, through the following principles:

  1. Commitment to compliance with current legislation and other applicable requirements.
  2. Prevention of pollution derived from all environmental aspects generated as a result of the activity of repairs and maintenance of industrial machinery.
  3. Prevention of pollution derived from all environmental aspects generated as a result of the activity of repairs and maintenance of industrial machinery.
  4. Procurement of the most innovative and cleanest technological resources, to the extent that their economic or strategic profitability is considered proven and that the available resources allow it.
  5. Training, information and awareness-raising necessary for the personnel, with the aim of integrating them into the documented methods and procedures and in the applicable reference standards that ensure Quality and respect for the Environment.
  6. Establishing preventive measures to avoid the appearance of non-conformities and continuous improvement procedures that provide an increase in Quality and promote, when economically viable, the use of the best available techniques.

The Management of Rs Motor Power Solutions is fully committed to this policy, which is displayed for the knowledge of all employees and available to the general public, and sets the framework for defining objectives and targets.

April 2020
