DEUTZ TBD645-L9 with serial number 64509010023 is located in Porriño – PONTEVEDRA (SPAIN)
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DEUTZ TBD645L9 with Serial Number 64509010023
- Last Maintenance step performed → E5 (interval of 15.000 hours running).
- Engine is stopped with 71.195 running hours.
- Turbochargers checked less than 90 hours before engine was stopped. Within this check, new ceramic bearings were installed.
- The engine has 9 reinforced cylinder heads since 43.100 running hours. In 67.853 hours it were maintained.
- Big end bearing with aprox 4.000 running hours.
- New piston heads, new injection elements, new rings and the exhaust mainfold was sandblasted at 67.853 running hours.
- Mainbearings were changed when the engine was 43.100 running hours.
- In 2012 a new turbocharger with 0 hours was supplied.