MWM TCG 2020 V12 engine for sale – SOLD
MWM TCG 2020 V12 with serial number 2210152 is located in Porriño – PONTEVEDRA (SPAIN)
MWM TCG 2020 V12 with serial number 2210152 is located in Porriño – PONTEVEDRA (SPAIN)
Today we show you the spare parts that «RS Motor» uses for performing a maintenance type R1 on a Guascor gas engine type FGLD-240. R1 maintenance needs to be performed each 8.400 running hours in case of biogas engines. In this case, our customer has the engine in a Waste Water Treatment Plant. The main...
In this case we will try to show you the most common intervals of preventive maintenance steps on Jenbacher gas engines. It is well know that the main Jenbacher engines on the market are: Jenbacher type 3, Jenbacher type 4 and/or Jenbacher type 6. The number of cylinders does not affect to the interval, but...
The quality of the filters for gas and diesel engines is one of the most important requirements for a proper performance of an engine. For this reason, «RS Motor» trades and install on the engines filters with the best quality. It is well known that the best OEM manufacturers for filters are MANN FILTER, Mahle,...
Today we show you a beautiful project carried out two years ago in «RS Motor». Our specialized engineers and technicians performed 2x engine Overhauls on 2x DEUTZ TBD620V12. Both engines are not cogeneration engines, they are marine engines (port & starboard main engines). Once we received both engines in our own workshop, we dismounted them...
Along this article, we want to talk about one of the main enviromental challenges that CHP plants are facing nowadays. The reduction of pollutants to the atmosphere, is a key aspect within the use of Natural Gas or Biogas Reciprocating Engines to produce Heat and Power. Thoughout the last years the legislation in terms of...
This time we show you one of the biggest repairs of year 2020. In this case, the labor was carried out on a Jenbacher J620 gas engine. In order to shorten the execution time, RS Motor installs to the customer 1x exchange “shortblock” assembled in Jenbacher. Thanks to this, the execution time of the complete...
From common spark plugs and X-shape spark plugs to prechamber spark plugs, «RS Motor» is able to supply any kind of spark plugs for any industrial gas engine. «RS Motor» is completely able to supply spark plugs for natural gas engines, biogas engines, sewerage gas engines, “syntgas” engines, coal-mine gas engines….It does not matter the...
Jenbacher engines are one of the main business of ««RS Motor»». Trading with genuine and/or OEM parts and carrying out Service (preventive/corrective maintenance, repairs, refurbishments…) for these type of engines, allow to «RS Motor» to be the best alternative to the official brand Jenbacher since 2011. Our customers from Spain, Portugal, and the rest of...